Ashes of the Domain

What comes next?
What comes next? (23.11.2024)
Hi, today we will speak about upcoming 3.0 patch for VOK and very, very distant plans for future of AoTD
Main thing of 3.0 patch : Megastructures
As was stated in previous dev logs, main theme of next major patch are megastructures. Those structures will be scattered across entire Persean Sector, each holding immense power.
Sample of features
In previous dev diaries I was mainly talking about mechanics of those structures, without showcasing progress, I am sorry that it is being shown with delay, but here we are.

Nidavelir Complex

Coronal Hypershunt

Bifrost Network

New ability of Hypershunt

Do you have enough to man entire structure?

A new network of gates!
Of course those are not all mechanics, just few of them showcased there.
Research UI Improvements
One of major improvements in terms of readability is, that from now on there is dedicated button for more info for each research option, showcasing pop up dialog like this:

A new UI for information!
New content
Beside megastructures there will be new quest-line added, with new colony item as reward, that will allow production of AI Cores!
So what next?
After 3.0 patch, I wanna work on Cryosleeper 3.0, which will be renamed, and after that work on Question of Loyalty module, to implement whole new mechanics. About what I plan for those, read previous dev diaries :3, then Orion Sector project.
So what next ???
After next VOK patch, Orion Sector, Question of Loyalty and Cryosleeper, there are already plans drawn, mainly for VOK, and once all other modules will be finished, we will achieve necessary milestone to go forward, with 4.0 and 5.0 plans for Vaults of Knowledge.
On my discord, I have already pinged people giving notice of my plans, and those are to make Vaults of Knowledge, the biggest module in AoTD, to make colony layer of gameplay a new experience, a whole new game phase.
I have been inspired with what mod : Reign of Nether did to minecraft, and now I wanna do something similar.
4.0 : Rework of patrol fleets and Global Production mechanic.
For 4.0 I plan to finally move into 4X plans, and first step will be giving players necessary tools to expand and defend empire.
Up to 3.0, I focused to give player tools to expand their power, for 4.0 I wanna give something, where this power can be used. and in between 4.0 and 5.0 : purpose to use that power.
That power, will be Patrol fleets, which won't be generated automatically anymore (To some extend automation will be possible still for those who don't wanna micro manage).Fleet size of each market will be transformed into Faction Armada Points. With more points available, you will be able to build more patrol fleets. Each one will consume certain amount of Faction Fleet points depending on size of fleet.
Types of Patrol fleets
Patrol fleets will be having 3 different categories:
Picket: very small fleet, cheap fast and good for reconnaissance.
Patrol: good balance between picket and armada, packs punch but it is slower than picket.
Armada: very strong fleet , slow but ideal to not only repel huge invasions, but to also invade others.
Patrol Fleet Customization
For each patrol fleet type, player will have ability to design general templates, templates that can be used to determine what ship will be in patrol, as each instance of patrol fleet will be available for customization. You will be finally allowed to directly specify which ships are in patrols.
Flexible tool to defend empire
Each instance of patrol fleet will be available to track in command tab, and each one will be able to assign orders. Example of those will be like : Patrol X system and avoid combat, Defend Y market but stay within station range. Idea behind this is, that currently you are forced to have at least one mil colony in each star system so there is one that AT LEAST have 300% fleet size patrol fleets.With this system you wont need to do it again, and you will be able to respond to raids with just re-locating your forces.
4.5 Patch : Crisis
This is time, when I will be finally touching stuff to make colonies harder, first I wanna give all tools to player, and then give purpose to use those tools.
One of such crisis will be one I have been talking for while : Technological Hubris, where I can assure you, other factions won't just sit anymore watching you claiming megastructures and advancing with technology.
5.0 Patch : Ground combat
This will be one of very last patches for Ashes of The Domain, brining Ground combat mechanic but in very much different form, that has been attempted so far.Type of this combat will be based on Heroes of Might and Magic battles/Songs of Conquest, with hexagonal map, animated units, competent AI, unique units, skills , buildings etc etc. Entire idea has been born due to that one minecraft mod. This idea, that I have now stated, will be the most undertaking project, even eclipsing Orion Sector project, due to not ony complexity, but also quality I wanna achieve, and work required to go there, but with enough time, and dedication I think this goal can be achieved.
Goal of this patch is to finish my vision for colony gameplay: a whole new gameplay phase in starsector, not replacing entire game, but rather giving a whole new layer to explore.
And because of how big this goal is, I unfortunately can't guarantee success here. We talk about plans that are not 2-3 months long, we talk about plans that are at least 2-3 years long. Not to mention money, that will be required to pull 5.0 patch will be tremendous, as I wanna give my best as always. For now goal is to complete all other projects, polish them AND THEN move to 4.0 and 5.0 plans.
Have a nice day!
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