Ashes of the Domain
New chapter
New Chapter (21.12.2024)
Hi this is dev diary giving insight, into plans for 2025. I can assure you there are already huge plans for next year!
Roadmap 2025
Here there is visual representation of plans, and their explanation of under the image.
Roadmap 2025
Dreams of Past (Cryosleeper 3.0)
Beside re-naming module, one of major changes will be awakening system. Instead of normal 180 days transition to size 7 colony, now it will be like Colony crisis event.With each step of awakening you can get random event like, location of some ancient stash, or blueprints, or very good officers/admins.
Not to mention there will be overhaul towards Ark encounter!
Question of Loyalty 2.0
One of most anticipated updates , that will not only address bug issues, but also improve significantly it's own mechanics.
I don't wanna spoil a lot of, but this patch will address issues of, not having option to leave faction with your colonies. and on top of that giving ability (if you play your cards well) to overtake faction!
On top of that, it will introduce overhaul to point system, and expand things, you get with joining one of major factions.
Virtue of Society 1.3
There are already few events planned to be made, each with unique take on of some colony items, and some related to Vaults of Knowledge megastructures.
Vaults of Knowledge 4.0
This might be one of most anticipated things for next year, basically VOK will finally touch aspect of game, I have choose not to. AI of factions, and patrol fleets
Goal behind this patch is to make colony crisis much more dynamic, acknowledging actions of player, and to give tools to player to properly respond to other factions. In that case, ability to directly manage and create patrol fleets.
Moreover it will allow peaceful colony play style if you stay low, as colony crisis will be replaced by Sector Awareness mechanic. Details about what will be reworked, and how I will reveal, with other dev diaries : P.
And on top of that special projects are going to get overhaul, to make them feel more, unique.
Unfortunately we have not been able to de-code this section of databank, yet...
That it is for today, have a nice day ^^
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As you know, creating and maintaining mods takes a lot of effort, and most importantly time. While I will continue to work on my mods for the Starsector community, I do heavily appriciate those who are willing to help me in this effort.
Wish to support me financially? you can do so on my Patreon! This will allow me to commission additional developers and artists for their work, thereby improving the overall quality of the mods I offer.
Wish to support me actively? come over to my Twitch where I play games, mainly Starsector, and stream the development of AoTD, providing you a glimpse of whats upcoming.
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